Carpenters’ Craft Competition
The Carpenters’ Craft Competition is the only national competition open to students of carpentry, joinery and shop fitting. It gives outstanding students the chance to showcase their work and have it judged by leaders in the field.
With prizes of up to £500 available, the competition aims to encourage and reward highly motivated students who are prepared to go that extra mile to achieve the highest possible standards.
Success in this prestigious competition gives students a head start in their chosen vocation having achieved official recognition of their exceptional skills and high calibre workmanship.
There are opportunities to take part at both a regional and national level, with students from over 200 colleges nationwide eligible to take part.
Winners are presented with their prizes at a special ceremony held at Carpenters’ Hall in early November. The event is followed by a formal luncheon, hosted by The Worshipful Company of Carpenters.
More information
To find out more about the competition and to access this year’s competition drawings, please visit the Institute of Carpenters website.
Contact Details
For further information about the Carpenters’ Craft Competition, please contact The Competition Manager:
Chris Higley at: